Join trainer Richard Crookes from EBSCO to learn about the new interface and some brief training on using the databases. This 45 minutes online session is an ideal introduction to the new interface, gives a quick refresher on EBSCO searching and is suitable for anyone new to these databases. The new interface will appear on […]
Category: Journals

Finding an article using a DOI
There’s a new feature in LibrarySearch which allows you to search for a journal article using a DOI only. Let’s see how this works: If we don’t have access to the article, you’re taken to a page that offers Library Access Options. This takes you to LibrarySearch, where you can request the article using the […]

Find@Stir – Finding full text articles
As part of the ongoing work improving the Library’s information retrieval systems, we have completed the transition from the old “WebBridge” system to the new Find@Stir tool to facilitate access to full text. The ‘Find@Stir’ function will check the library’s online full text holdings and, where we hold a current licence, will take you directly […]

New Library Links from Google Scholar direct to Stirling’s full-text articles
You can now set up Google Scholar so that it links seamlessly to LibrarySearch and the full-text of journal articles that Stirling University Library subscribes to. To setup your Google Scholar Library Links for Stirling’s LibrarySearch: First login to your Google/Google scholar account so that these settings will be retained, then: 1. In Google Scholar click the three horizontal bars in […]
More JSTOR for longer!
Free expanded access to JSTOR extended to June 2021 In March 2020 JSTOR made its archives available free online to academic institutions to facilitate online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the JSTOR journal archive collections which we subscribe to, we have also enjoyed free access to a wealth of other […]

Textbook not available? Try VitalSource
During this difficult period when libraries are closed VitalSource has opened up its E-textbooks collection until the end of June. If you can’t access an ebook via the Library Catalogue, try VitalSource – more information at:

ejournals and ebooks
The library’s collections expand far beyond the physical collection. We have access to 119,000 electronic journals through a range of local and national agreements with publishers. We have access to over 320,000 ebooks, now more than the 315,000 printed books we hold. We are adding to these collections on a daily basis but, if we […]
Focus on: Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive
If you are studying the history of film, broadcasting, theatre or the music industry, you will want to take a look at the Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive. This is an online archive of 50 entertainment magazines, from their first issues up to 2000. Titles covered include: Variety Billboard Broadcasting The Stage Picturegoer American Film The […]

Spotlight on…. American Periodicals
The Library subscribes to an online resource called American Periodicals, which includes digitised American magazines and periodicals published between 1740 and 1900. This is a good resource if your subject is American Literature or History, particularly if you are interested in the following topics: 19th century literature; women’s magazines; popular culture; American politics and government […]

You said, we did – Where do I get help.
You Said I don’t know where to get help We Did We love to help you! There are a number of places in the library that you can get help or ask us a question; Library reception (the desk at the Library entrance)Library reception staff can help you with accessing the library building, they can […]