Staff file store

We are currently undertaking an upgrade to the servers which support staff filestore (carron, dochart, esk, kelty, inchna, ness). This work is being undertaken up until the end of March (see schedule below) but we wanted to let you know about a couple of really nice features that will be available to you after your […]

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IT security – How savvy are you?

Reminder – Quiz closes March 19th. Are you super secure or are there a few areas which need tightened?  Information Services have prepared a short IT security quiz in Succeed for staff to take. It should take under 10 minutes to complete with 14 multiple choice/true or false answers. The purpose of the exercise is […]

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Research data@Stirling

As announced earlier this week, DataSTORRE has been launched.  DataSTORRE is an online digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets produced at the University of Stirling. The first researcher at Stirling to deposit data is Peter Matthews, a lecturer in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology.  His deposit is a video of a poetry reading at Wester […]

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New Outlook feature – online archives

As part of the New technologies Project, Information Services is introducing an online archive service for email which will provide up to 100GB of archive storage for each member of staff. This enhancement will provide an improved service for archiving your Outlook content, and deliver the ability to access your archived information from any location […]

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DataSTORRE has arrived!

  DataSTORRE is an online digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets produced at the University of Stirling. University of Stirling researchers who have produced research data associated with an existing or forthcoming publication, or which has potential use for other researchers, are invited to upload their dataset for sharing and safekeeping. A persistent identifier and […]

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