student studying online

Ongoing support of online learning

With pandemic restrictions continuing the Digital Learning Team have continued to work with colleagues across the university to support online learning.

The Learning Technologists continue to work with academic staff looking to make the best use of the online tools available when delivering modules. This involves research informed methods for online delivery and creating an engaging community for online learning.

Our Media Producer, Andy Sim, continues to work with teaching staff to create lab based video content for modules that traditionally require lab sessions.

Materials continue to be shared on the Learning and Teaching Sharepoint site and the Canvas and Learning Technology area. New material not only includes new tools, but also detailed guidance on how to make best use of platforms we already have at the University.

A revised version of the blueprint template for teaching spaces on Canvas was created for the Spring semester. The revised template is based on evaluation carried out during the Autumn semester and draws on feedback from teaching staff and students to improve the online learning experience.

One notable enhancement during the Autumn semester was the introduction of Blackboard Ally, a tool for analysing the accessibility of content on Canvas. The tool identifies problematic content and make suggestions on how to improve accessibility. This is proving to be a useful tool for identifying areas of improvement and the Digital Learning Team is working with teaching staff to improve the overall accessibility of teaching resources on Canvas.