
We are back! Yarnfulness is starting back (although we are still online via teams) Maybe you are already a crafting king or queen or maybe you’d like to learn how to knit or crochet why don’t you pop along – virtually – to join us.

We are running on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 1:30 (Here is the meeting link stir.ac.uk/3ub )

You may already have your own craft supplies, but if you are on campus we have a small supply of starter kits, containing either knitting needles and a ball or wool or a crochet hook and a ball of wool. You can pick them up from the lending desk in the library.

If you have never knitted there is so much information available for beginners on YouTube.

There is also the same for crochet.

#Yarnfulness is part of the University #BeConnected program. This is a nice way to stay connected with people who are either on-campus or at home.