Upgrade Your RefWorks Writing Tool

If you use the RefWorks Write-N-Cite (WCN) writing tool to import references to your Word documents you need to upgrade to RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) as soon as possible. WNC is no longer supported and will stop working at the end of 2024. RefWorks advise that you use RCM for all new documents. You may […]

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Library Pizza Party

As part of the ongoing programme of engagement with our community, we held a pizza party in the library – yes, free pizza! OK, so the pizza may have been a sweetener (or should that be savoury-er?) to get some of you along to discuss some of the current plans for the library service and […]

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Enhance your research with Nexis news content (Sign up for Workshops – 20th & 22nd February)

Whether you are following a single news story or researching cultural trends, political developments, current or historical issues or analysing the business environment and company performance, Nexis provides an invaluable source for primary and secondary research.Attend these workshops with LexisNexis trainer Marc Gillespie to enhance your research skills and extract relevant material from over 23,000 […]

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Canvas Opening Dates – Spring 2024

Your Spring modules will be available in Canvas from Monday 15th, January. Don’t panic if you don’t see all of your modules immediately on the 15th. Some lecturers may change the opening dates of their modules.  You can check your ‘future enrolments’ in Canvas by going to Modules > All Modules.  There you will see modules […]

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