eduroam – University Wi-Fi

Are you staying in University accommodation or studying in University buildings? #DidYouKnow that the W-Fi network that you should be connecting to is eduroam and not UoS Guest Wi-fi. eduroam is a free Wi-Fi service provided to you by the University. The benefits of using eduroam are; If you need instructions on how to connect […]

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Windows 7 Switch off

You are probably aware that Windows 7 is now out of support and that as a result the operating system is no longer being kept updated and secure. In order to maintain our Cyber Essentials accreditation, and ensure the University network is as secure as possible, we cannot allow unsupported devices onto our network. We have been in […]

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Network downtime

On Tuesday 22nd October, there will be network downtime for the areas listed below and service should be viewed ‘at risk’ between 0730 and 0830. This Scheduled work is to carry out a software upgrade. Cottrell 2B19 – 2B363A134B28, 4B562Y Labs2B38 – 2B46Graphics and Print Bothy Logie Lecture Theatre ResidencesThistle ChambersUnion StreetLyon CrescentJohn Forty’s CourtSpittal […]

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Phishing, vishing and smishing

In the last few days there has been an attempted Vishing fraud on a Scottish University Student Association. With this type of fraud, it is very common that once an individual targets a specific business area such as Student Associations , they will make further attempts on other Associations using the same methods. Phishing, vishing […]

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