STORRE Repository Now Recommends Useful Related Articles

We’ve added a new widget to our Open Access Repository STORRE that gives you recommendations for useful articles that are related to the article you’re looking at. All the recommended articles are free to read and can be accessed without a paywall. Thanks to our developer Mike White for his work on this!

The recommended articles are drawn from the ‘CORE‘ network of open access repositories that contains more than 135 million open access articles from nearly 10,000 data providers from around the world (including STORRE 🙂 ).

When viewing a record in STORRE, click on the new blue button in the top right hand corner that says ‘Show Related Articles’:

The Recommender uses a clever algorithm that works in various ways to find the most useful related articles:

  • The recommended article addresses the same topic (it may highlight the most prominent matching terms);
  • People reading this article were also interested in the recommended article;
  • The recommended article is related to the reference article and comes from the same repository;  
  • The recommended article shares a common author with the reference article;
  • The recommended article provides an influential citation to the reference article;
  • The recommended article is often co-cited with this article.

This new Recommender makes STORRE an even more useful source for your literature searching and for finding free, relevant articles.

Clare Allan
Senior Research Librarian