New Stirling theses added to Research Repository in October #StirNewTheses

Congratulations to our Postgraduate Research students who submitted their theses to the University’s research repository, STORRE, during October.  Some of the theses are available for reading immediately:

Towards a better understanding of the value of physical fitness testing within the identification and development of youth soccer players. By James Dugdale

An Ethnographic Exploration of Relationships in Residential Child Care. By Nadine Fowler

Critical Thinking Cognitions and Pedagogic Practices of Thai EFL University Teachers. By Supanan Prommak

‘Mah LOLthesis let me show u it’ : the (re)making and circulation of participatory culture: memes, creativity and networks. By Victoria Esteves

The role of social interactions in conservation conflict: goose management across Scotland. By Chris Pollard

Political Narratives and the Language of ‘Communitarianism’: A comparison of the SNP and Labour Party in Scotland, 1999-2011. By Kenneth Mackay

The microbiological safety of seaweed and insect larvae as novel and sustainable fish feed ingredients. By Isobel Swinscoe

Flooding induced changes in the mobility, bioaccessibility and solid phase distribution of potentially harmful elements. By Diana McLaren

The other theses are embargoed for a period to allow the authors time to write up work for publication:

The Role of International Franchises in the Economic Development of Saudi Arabia. By Abdulaziz Alotaibi

Subject Choice and Attainment: State Secondary Schools in Scotland. By Anne Gasteen

An exploration of accountability in nursing and its impact on professional practice – a multiple case study. By Caroline Hiscox

Exploring Professional Identity Development in Higher Education: A Social Identity Approach. By Bahijah Abas

Live Literature and Cultural Value: Explorations in Experiential Literary Ethnography. By Ellen Wiles

Developing an acceptable peer support intervention that enables clients, attending a weight management programme, to cascade their learning within their social network. By Deborah Kirby

The Role of Emotion in Facilitating Pro-Conservation Attitudes. By Lesley Craig

Co-producing Curricula: Young People’s Lived Experience of School-linked Practical Conservation and Citizen Science. By Andrew Ruck

The Limitations of Freedom of Expression in Theory and Practice (Between the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Egyptian Law). By Saleh Alsubaie

Modes of knowing in simulated human pedagogies: The uncanny double of performance in nursing education. By Aileen Ireland

Well done to all!

Clare Allan
Senior Research Librarian