New Stirling theses added to Research Repository in October #StirNewTheses

Congratulations to our Postgraduate Research students who submitted their theses to the University’s research repository, STORRE, during October.  Some of the theses are available for reading immediately:


Exploring learning conceptions in a culturally diverse science classroom. By Karen Thomson


The Transition from the Africa Inland Mission to the Africa Inland Church in Kenya, 1939-1975. By Fleetwood Young 3rd


Genetic Improvement of Software: From Program Landscapes to the Automatic Improvement of a Live System. By Saemundur Haraldsson


Hybrid Multicasting Using Automatic Multicast Tunnels (AMT). By Dhaifallah Alwadani


The ecological and economic analysis of beach management strategies in Scotland. By Caroline Griffin


An ecology of judgement: Sense-making in child welfare and protection social work. By Duncan Helm


Regional economics and constitutional change in the UK. By David Eiser


Do the sleep profiles of elite swimmers vary during periods of training, taper and competition when compared to a baseline phase of rest? By Joshua Walsh


Towards a novel biologically- inspired cloud elasticity framework. By Amjad Ullah



The other theses are embargoed for a period to allow the authors time to write up work for publication:


Capital budgeting decision making, national culture and bounded rationality. A regional comparative study of Canadian and Mexican entrepreneurs. By Jaime Morales Burgos


A multiproxy palaeolimnological reconstruction of the nature and timing of climatic changes in the Northern Isles from the end of the last glaciation through the early Holocene. By Melanie Kingsbury


The Potential Costs of High Cohesion in Sport Teams. By Jennifer Milne


Uncovering Hidden Information and Relations in Time Series Data with Wavelet analysis: Three Case Studies in Finance. By Abdel Razzaq Al Rababa’A


User Participation and Involvement in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services. By Richard Simmons


A Linguistic Ethnography of Learning to Teach English at Japanese Junior High Schools. By James Hall


Morphological and Functional Aspects of Feeding in The Freshwater Fish Louse Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus, 1758). By Aisha Ambu Ali



Well done to all!




Clare Allan

Senior Research Librarian