We had a number of theses added to the University’s research repository, STORRE, during the month of August.
The theses are embargoed for a period to allow the authors time to write up work for publication:
Evaluation of the ecological impacts of beaver reintroduction on aquatic systems by Alan Law.
Ageing and the cellular immune response in adult Drosophila melanogaster by Danielle K. Mackenzie.
Soil Disturbance resulting from Stump Harvesting by Jeff Collison
Larviculture and Nutrition of Three of Florida’s High Value Food and Stock Enhancement Finfish, Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis), Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) and Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) by Marion R Hauville.
Immunopathogenesis of chronic Mycobacterium marinum infection in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) by Gilta Jaeckel
Congratulations to all those who have successfully completed their doctorates!
Clare Allan
Subject Librarian