Borrowing a laptop just got a little easier. Up to now borrowing a laptop required you to have your library card with you. Failing that, a member of staff would need to open the cabinets and get a laptop for you. This cumbersome process has been improved. Thanks to the installation of new scanners on […]
Author: colins

Eating in the library
We had an excellent response to our consultation before Christmas 2023 on food and drink in the library. We asked whether we should relax the rules, or maintain the “no food or drink” policy. A few messages came through strongly. Firstly, most respondents wanted us to relax the restrictions on food and drink in the […]

Library Pizza Party
As part of the ongoing programme of engagement with our community, we held a pizza party in the library – yes, free pizza! OK, so the pizza may have been a sweetener (or should that be savoury-er?) to get some of you along to discuss some of the current plans for the library service and […]

IS achieves Customer Service Excellence accreditation.
We are delighted to announce a significant achievement for the University of Stirling’s Information Services – the attainment of Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation. This prestigious recognition is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional service to our students, faculty, and staff. What is Customer Service Excellence? Customer Service Excellence is a widely recognised […]

Etextbooks – providing key texts online.
This academic year has seen the library deliver an enhanced service in terms of provision of online versions of key textbooks. These are the texts that can be found at the top of your reading list, or in the short loan collection. They are the core reading in your subject, often marked as a suggestion […]