DMPonline service unavailable due to updates on 3rd September

The DMPonline service will be unavailable tomorrow, 3rd September, from 11:00 to 12:30 whilst the Digital Curation Centre make some updates to the service for Stirling users.

The updated service will have a new URL ( but users should continue to access the service via the University Portal as DMPonline authentication is integrated with the Portal, saving you from having to remember a separate password. (To access, select ‘Create a Data Management Plan’ from the bottom right hand ‘I want to …’ panel in the Portal).

The DMPOnline tool allows researchers to build a data management plan by answering a series of detailed questions and has templates for each of the major UK funding bodies.  Read more about DMPonline and see the DMPonline userguide at:

Clare Allan
Senior Research Librarian