Click and Collect

The Library is offering Click and Collect Service. This will make the library print collections available to staff and students.

Currently, it is not possible to browse the shelves on Levels 3 and 4 until after 8 pm or at weekends, you can still access the short loan collection. If you don’t have a library seat booked but you still need to access books you can use the click and collect service.

Simply find the book you want to request on the library catalogue, then fill in our web form to request it.  You will then receive instructions from our Library team on when and how to retrieve your books from the Library. Please don’t come to the library until you have been notified that your book(s) are ready for collection.
This service will include the lending of dissertations (excluding research theses).

You can also use the new Stirling University App to request a click and collect item. In the app select UniDesk, then click on the library tile, click on the borrowing tile then fill in the Click and Collect Service form.

You are advised that you must wear a face covering when coming to collect books.

The book drop will remain accessible outside the library entrance for returns. Please note that books will be quarantined for 72 hours upon return.