Uni yearbook email circulating

We’ve been made aware of an email received by some students from a company called uniyearbook.com.

Please be aware that this company is not affiliated with the University – it is an independent organisation selling a product.  They do state this within the email text but in very small type at the bottom of the message. Our Infrastructure team are endeavouring to have these emails tagged as {SPAM} so hopefully, these should go directly into your {SPAM} folder or if they make it to your mailbox they will be tagged as {SPAM} .

We have looked at the volume of information they are requiring to register with them and would like to make students aware that we would not usually recommend that you divulge so many private details to a company e.g. your mobile phone number, private email address, university email address.

It is entirely up to you as individuals whether you want to buy this product but we would caution you to think carefully about giving away too much information. We would also suggest that if you do want to register use your private email address and don’t use your university password.

Example of the email:

From: Year Book <email deleted>
Date: 12 February 2019 at 15:00:30 GMT
Subject: Don’t miss the deadline for the 2018/2019 Yearbook!
Reply-To: Year Book <email deleted>

Dear Students,  Don’t miss the deadline for the 2018/2019 Yearbook! 
Sign up is simple, please fill the registration form below (link deleted)  
What is Yearbook?It is a published book annually containing
photographs and other information of current and graduating students
from your university.It is a nice memory book of your university years.
You can share it with your parents, grandparents friends and other
relatives. Your Yearbook profile page is built from your response to
registration questions. Apart from your contact details each submitted
entry and profile photo will be published and designed in the Yearbook.
After successful registration you should receive a confirmation email
with further information. 
Photo Upload Guidance: (link deleted) If you have any problems
uploading your pictures or filling the form, please reply to this email. For the best user experience, please register from a desktop computer, not
from mobile devices. Feel free to invite your university friends by
sharing our link.
FAQCan Erasmus/Exchange students register?Yes of course, it is also
for Erasmus and Exchange students.They can register and order the Yearbook. 
What if I graduate(d) after/before 2018?You can still register, your
graduation year will be displayed in your profile.
Pricing?You can find pricing details here: (link deleted)  
P.S.Please, ignore this email if you have already registered with us!     
Regards Megan Patterson
The Yearbook Team
(Link deleted)  
Please note uniyearbook is not affiliated with your university. We are an
independent organization, therefore, your university is not responsible for product and services offered by uniyearbook. Any requests should be sent
directly to us by replying to this email message.