Scam alert

We’ve been made aware of an ongoing scam affecting students across the UK. Callers are claiming to be from the university’s finance team and are telling the student they have been a victim of bank fraud. The scammers are hoping to gain access to personal information and money from the targeted students. The University of […]

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Be aware – Uni yearbook email 

It has come to our attention that some students have received an email from a company called These emails can be identified by their subject “Complete Account (Stirling 2023/2024 Yearbook)” sent from “Yearbook 23/24 <>”  Please be aware that the university has no affiliation with – they are an independent organisation selling products. […]

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Mobile device security

Welcome to the next installment of our 12-month Cyber Security Awareness campaign.  In previous months we’ve covered social engineering, phishing and password guidance, and this month we’re focusing on mobile devices.   Mobile devices contain a wealth of personal and sensitive information, including emails, contacts, financial details, and login credentials. They also often have access to […]

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