#StirCyberSec October 2018

Did you know that October is Cyber Security Month #CyberSecMonth? We will be running our #StirCyberSec campaign again.

#CyberSecMonth runs for the entire month of October, each week focusing on a different topic. The themes are:

Week 1: Oct. 1-5 – Practice Basic Cyber Hygiene
The theme seeks to assist the public in establishing and maintaining daily routines, checks and general behaviour required to stay safe online.

Week 2: Oct. 8-12 – Expand your Digital Skills and Education
Transform your skills and security know how with the latest technologies.

Week 3: Oct. 15-19 – Recognise Cyber Scams
The theme aims to educate the general public on how to identify deceiving content in order to keep both themselves and their finances safe online.

Week 4: Oct. 22-26 – Emerging Technologies and Privacy
Stay tech wise and safe with the latest emerging technologies

Follow our #StirCyberSec campaign on Twitter and/or Facebook.