We have had a number of staff reporting a phishing email purporting to be from HMRC. This email had the subject line “Final payment request”. We wanted to confirm that this is a Phishing email and in not a genuine communication from HMRC. Please delete without opening attachments. If you have opened an attachment, don’t panic! The anti virus software on your PC should catch any malware. If you are in any doubt, please contact the Information Centre.
HMRC have guidance on their website about how to identify suspicious emails: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/genuine-hmrc-contact-and-recognising-phishing-emails/genuine-hmrc-contact-and-recognising-phishing-emails
We are aware of 2 currently circulating phishing emails relating to HMRC. These have subject line:
- “Final payment request”
- “Statement of liability”
Please feel free to delete these and anything else of this type (see the advice on the HMRC link above about how to identify phishing emails)
If you are in any doubt about emails you receive please contact the Information Centre from more advice.
Information Centre