Advance notice: Library Catalogue unavailability during mid-semester break

The Library Catalogue, and associated services, will be unavailable during the mid-semester break on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th April 2009.


This is to allow the Library Catalogue computer system to be migrated to a new server. 


The following services will be unavailable:


  • Access to the Library Catalogue
  • Automated borrowing, returning or renewal of books
  • Access to your “My Library Record”, therefore you will be unable to renew books, view your Reading History, etc.
  • WebBridge links in library databases will not work
  • Links from TalisList Reading Lists to the Library Catalogue will not work


We apologise for the inconvenience; there is no ideal time to carry out this work, we hope that by scheduling it during the mid-semester break this will minimise the disruption caused.


Colin Sinclair

Bibliographic Services Manager