Mobile device security

Welcome to the next installment of our 12-month Cyber Security Awareness campaign.  In previous months we’ve covered social engineering, phishing and password guidance, and this month we’re focusing on mobile devices.   Mobile devices contain a wealth of personal and sensitive information, including emails, contacts, financial details, and login credentials. They also often have access to […]

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Phishing – don’t fall prey 

Welcome to the third installment of our 12 month Cyber Security Awareness campaign. This month we’re covering one of the most common types of cyber attack – phishing. The University has recently been targeted by several different phishing attempts, so continued awareness and vigilance are essential.  What is phishing?  Phishing is a type of cyber […]

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Introduction to Cyber Security

Cyber Security Month – October 2023 To kick off Cyber Security Awareness Month, we are excited to launch a year long Cyber Security campaign. The campaign’s mission is crystal clear: to shed light on crucial aspects of cyber security and help everyone, from individuals to the entire University community, stay safe and secure online. Each […]

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Cyber Security Update

Recent attacks in the sector, Common Cyber Security Myths, and the Importance of Awareness Training How is it April 2022 already?! At least Spring is on the way, and we can look forward to longer and sunnier days (wishful thinking?). Whilst the weather may be changing, the pandemic continues to affect how we live our […]

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Scams are everywhere

Like most of us, during a crisis, we will want to show our support and donating to the cause, is often the most common method to allow people to show their support.  Unfortunately for us, it appears that, unfortunately, we live in a time where there are several people and groups who like to take […]

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Changes to how you access email.

As part of our on-going programme of security enhancements, we have already made some changes to the way that email is accessed in order to remove less secure methods of accessing your university email account that do not enforce MFA (multi factor authentication). Microsoft is increasing the security of Office 365 which will now result […]

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Phishing emails

Information Services has been alerted to an increase in phishing emails targeting colleges and universities across Scotland. These emails contain links to a website asking you to enter your University email address and password with an intent to steal your information. These phishing emails are often crafted using fraudulent information related to Covid-19 prevention measures […]

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European Cybersecurity Month 2021

The European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the European Union’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information through awareness-raising and sharing of good practices. The ECSM campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, and supported by EU […]

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