You said – We did

Over the last 4 weeks we have been sharing some of the improvements made to our service in 2023 as a result of your feedback.

We love to get feedback from our users, which we regularly use to make changes to our services, spaces, support and resources.

Do you want to give us feedback? Look our for the suggestion board in the library, visit the online suggestion board, email, or leave us feedback via our UniDesk Self-Service Portal.

Here is a quick round up of some of the improvements we made in 2023 as a result of your feedback.

Scroll through the images to see some of the changes we have made.

Sometimes we also get suggestions for something that’s just not possible. Please don’t let this stop you getting in touch, we are always happy to get the feedback and take what you say seriously.

We regularly get requests about keeping the library open 24/7, but at the moment it is not possible. We will however continue to review this on a regular basis.

This semester we had our first in person library pizza party feedback event, which went very well (who doesn’t love a freebie Pizza). We are planning further in person feedback events which we will advertise on our social media, and in the student bulletin. (Shhh….. there may be Krispy Kreme).

Thank you to everyone who has already provided us feedback, and we would love you to continue to do this. Please follow us on social media, where we will be advertising further ways that you can influence Library and IT services at University of Stirling.

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