7 million Open Access articles added to LibrarySearch

The Library has added 7 million additional open access articles to LibrarySearch, our one-stop library search tool.

These articles come from a new integration with Unpaywall, a massive database of free scholarly articles. Because of our previous work, LibrarySearch already included many of these articles but this integration has given us a boost of around an extra 7 million articles that weren’t previously covered.

Now when you use the ‘Search Everything’ option in LibrarySearch you’ll be able to find these additional articles.  For example a search for: fish skeletal muscle hypertrophy

Finds this article:

Fish Protein Promotes Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy via the Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathways. Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, 2022

In the ‘View Online’ section the link says ‘Access content in OurResearch’. The link goes directly to the article.

There are some nice features with this new integration:

  • We’ll find articles published in open access journals that we didn’t previously know about
  • We’ll also find open access articles published in hybrid journals. Hybrid journals are subscription journals that have only some open access articles. These journals are traditionally difficult for library search tools to cope with, because typically systems deal with whole journals. So, it can be tricky to specifically index only the open access articles from these journals. This new integration helps get around that problem.
  • The Unpaywall collection will be continually updated to add new articles

If you spot any problems with linking to these articles, you can use the ‘Report a Problem’ button that appears at the bottom right of every LibrarySearch page:

We can then report the issue directly to Unpaywall who will update their database.

To find out more about LibrarySearch, see our LibrarySearch guide.

Clare Allan
Digital & Systems Librarian