Legacy RefWorks is Discontinued

The older version of RefWorks is discontinued from 30th June 2023 and users no longer have access to it.

If you used RefWorks in the last few months but did not upgrade your account, we have attempted to migrate it to new RefWorks for you. You should have received an email notification about this from RefWorks explaining how to access your new account.

If you use Write-N-Cite to import in-text citations from RefWorks, please take a backup copy of your documents before working on them again. See our guidance on continuing to use WNC or changing to RefWorks Citation Manager which is the more modern writing tool. For either option, check out the information on how to ‘Upgrade a Write-N-Cite document‘.

You will find help, guides and videos about using new RefWorks and the associated new add-in for Word called RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) at https://libguides.stir.ac.uk/newrefworks or contact the Library if you need help or have questions.