Reading Lists from Canvas 15/09/21

We apologise that some users may be experiencing difficulties accessing Reading Lists from Canvas and being asked for a user name and password which is not accepted by the system. We are working to resolve this issue as urgently as possible.

If clearing your browser cache does not help, you can still access your as follows:

  1. Go directly to (this takes you to the reading list Welcome or Find Lists page).
  2. If your initials don’t appear in the top right corner, please click the Sign in option and login. You won’t be asked for a password.
    Once you have logged in, you will see your initials in the top right corner and should be able to access all the features of your reading list. Staff will be able to edit and update the list if required.
  3. Change Course Status to say All.
  4. Enter the module code in the Search Box. Make sure you select the 2021 version of the list.

Important: If the list is not visible, it might not have been published by the instructor. Contact the Library to request it be Published.

Please contact the Library if you have further questions.