Stirling Essentials offers important information and guidance for new and existing students. Based on student feedback, we have included some new content and activities for spring 2021:
- Tech@Stirling links to digital skills workshops where you can learn how to use technology effectively to support your studies, how to download our software and the University App, and guides to applications in O365 and Canvas.
- Study@Stirling links to the essential guide to library and IT services workshops and virtual tour of the library. It also links to all study skills workshops for both UG and PGT students which proved extremely popular with students in the autumn semester. These include sessions for students at all levels of study, including a series on dissertation preparation, getting organised, and participating with confidence in class.
Check out Stirling Essentials and take part in the workshops and other activities to get the most out of your studies.
Look out for a new link in the main left navigation side of the Portal that will take you directly to Stirling Essentials. Stirling Essentials can also be accessed through every Canvas module.