Congratulations to our Postgraduate Research students who submitted their theses to the University’s research repository, STORRE, during July and August. Some of the theses are available for reading immediately:
The effectiveness of direct and indirect written corrective feedback in improving the grammatical accuracy of Omani EFL learners. By Sharifa Al Harrasi
Lipid Homeostasis in Farmed Fish: Role of Peroxisome-Proliferator Activated Receptor-Gamma (PPARg). By Aqilah Junaidi
Quantitative Analysis of the Links between Psychological Well-being & Employment Outcomes: International Evidence. By Victoria Mousteri
The other theses are embargoed for a period to allow the authors time to write up work for publication:
Development of Genetic Improvement in the African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822). By Suleiman Isa
Crisis politics in contemporary Nordic film culture : representing race and ethnicity in a transforming Europe. By Katie Moffat
Essays on role of banks on economic gaps between borrowers and savers. By Aliya Kenjegalieva
Improved quantification of forest range shifts and their implications to ecosystem function in high-elevation forests. By Peter Morley
Effects of chronic radiation exposure on Daphnia: from individuals to populations. By Jessica Goodman
Rescripting: A Grounded Theory study of the contribution that fathers make to Family Based Treatment when a young person has anorexia nervosa. By Karen McMahon
Judicial Perspectives on the Sentencing of Minor Drug Offenders in Indonesia. By Cecep Mustafa
Well done to all!
Clare Allan
Senior Research Librarian