Stirling’s Top Ten most shared articles in April #StirTopSharedPapers

Here are April’s top ten most shared Stirling papers based on data from Altmetric for Institutions.


The number on the left shows the score built up during April. The number in the coloured donut is the paper’s all time Altmetric score. Click on the donuts to see the types and details of all the mentions of the research paper.


You can also use the links to our research repository, STORRE, to download each paper or request it from the author.


Congratulations to all our authors!




1. Score in April: 53

Witard, O. C., McGlory, C., Hamilton, D. L., & Phillips, S. M. (2016). Growing older with health and vitality: A nexus of physical activity, exercise and nutrition. Biogerontology, Article in Press doi:10.1007/s10522-016-9637-9



2. Score in April: 42

Mcglory, C., Wardle, S. L., Macnaughton, L. S., Witard, O. C., Scott, F., Dick, J., . . . Tipton, K. D. (2016). Fish oil supplementation suppresses resistance exercise and feeding-induced increases in anabolic signaling without affecting myofibrillar protein synthesis in young men. Physiological Reports, 4(6), Art. No.: e12715. doi:10.14814/phy2.12715



3. Score in April: 34

Maughan, R. J., Watson, P., Cordery, P. A. A., Walsh, N. P., Oliver, S. J., Dolci, A., . . . Galloway, S. D. R. (2016). A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: Development of a beverage hydration index. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103(3), 717-723. doi:10.3945/ajcn.115.114769



4. Score in April: 32

O’Brien, K., Forrest, W., Lynott, D., & Daly, M. (2013). Racism, gun ownership and gun control: Biased attitudes in US whites may influence policy decisions. PloS One, 8(10), Art. No.: e77552. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077552



5. Score in April: 31

Jeromson, S., Gallagher, I. J., Galloway, S. D. R., & Hamilton, D. L. (2015). Omega-3 fatty acids and skeletal muscle health. Marine Drugs, 13(11), 6977-7004. doi:10.3390/md13116977



6. Score in April: 29

Cairney, P., Oliver, K., & Wellstead, A. (2016). To bridge the divide between evidence and policy:Reduce ambiguity as much as uncertainty. Public Administration Review, 76(3), 399-402. doi:10.1111/puar.12555



7. Score in April: 26

Witard, O. C., Jackman, S. R., Breen, L., Smith, K., Selby, A., & Tipton, K. D. (2014). Myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis rates subsequent to a meal in response to increasing doses of whey protein at rest and after resistance exercise. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 99(1), 86-95. doi:10.3945/ajcn.112.055517



8. Score in April: 24

Watson, C. (2015). A sociologist walks into a bar (and other academic challenges): Towards a methodology of humour. Sociology, 49(3), 407-421. doi:10.1177/0038038513516694



=9. Score in April: 22

Moore, D. R., Churchward-Venne, T. A., Witard, O., Breen, L., Burd, N. A., Tipton, K. D., & Phillips, S. M. (2015). Protein ingestion to stimulate myofibrillar protein synthesis requires greater relative protein intakes in healthy older versus younger men. Journals of Gerontology – Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70(1), 57-62. doi:10.1093/gerona/glu103



=9. Score in April: 22

Egan, M., Daly, M., & Delaney, L. (2016). Adolescent psychological distress, unemployment, and the great recession: Evidence from the national longitudinal study of youth 1997. Social Science and Medicine, 156, 98-105. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.03.013



=10. Score in April: 20

Flemming, K., Graham, H., McCaughan, D., Angus, K., Sinclair, L., & Bauld, L. (2016). Health professionals’ perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to providing smoking cessation advice to women in pregnancy and during the post-partum period: A systematic review of qualitative research. BMC Public Health, 16(1), Art. No.:290. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-2961-9



=10. Score in April: 20

Betancor, M. B., Sprague, M., Usher, S., Sayanova, O., Campbell, P. J., Napier, J. A., & Tocher, D. R. (2015). A nutritionally-enhanced oil from transgenic camelina sativa effectively replaces fish oil as a source of eicosapentaenoic acid for fish. Scientific Reports, 5, Art. No.:8104. doi:10.1038/srep08104



Clare Allan

Subject Librarian