Stirling research theses added to STORRE in June and July

We had a number of theses added to the University’s research repository, STORRE, during May. A number of these are publicly available now:



Hypoglycaemic emergencies attended by the Scottish Ambulance Service: a multiple methods investigation by David Fitzpatrick.


Implications of Potassium Channel Heterogeneity for Model Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Response Fidelity James McGuinness.


Precarious practices: artists, work and knowing-in-practice by Maureen K. Michael.


A physiological and performance comparison between a tradition and novel tennis grip by Adam P Wade.


The effect of low marine ingredient feeds on the growth performance body composition and health status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by Christoforos P Metochis.


Entrepreneurial Leadership In Kuwait by: Bashayer AL-Khalifah.


Development of a theory and evidence informed intervention to promote smoking cessation during pregnancy using narrative, text-messages and images as modes of delivery by: Mary Steele.



The other theses are embargoed for a period to allow the authors time to write up work for publication:


Modelling the evolution of sexual behaviour by Jennifer J. McKeown.


The neural basis of a cognitive map by Roderick McKinlay Grieves.


The use of remote sensing and GIS for modelling aquaculture site suitability in relation to changing climate by Neil Handisyde.


Individual differences in learning, personality, and social success in brown capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp.) by F Blake Morton.


Experiences of Dementia Care Workers in Nursing Homes: An Exploratory Study Comparing Canada, Scotland, and the United States by Roxanna H Johnson.


The development and initial evaluation of a goal setting and action planning (G-AP) framework for use in community based stroke rehabilitation by Lesley Scobbie.


Making Stories: An Investigation of Personal Brand Narratives in the Scottish Craft Microenterprise Sector by N J M Telford.


Monitoring European pine martens (Martes martes) in Scottish forested landscapes by Laura M. Kubasiewicz.


A Cross-Cultural View on Well-Being: Children’s Experiences in the Tibetan Diaspora in India and in Germany by: Carla Maria Cribari-Assali.


Maximising a mutualism: sustainable bumblebee management to improve crop pollination by: Hannah Feltham.


Influence of Spirituality on Health Outcomes and General Well-Being in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by: Ali Alshraifeen.


Palaeoenvironmental changes in southern Patagonia during the Late-glacial and the Holocene: implications for forest establishment and climate reconstructions by: Claudia Mansilla Andrade.



Congratulations to all those who have successfully completed their doctorates!





Clare Allan

Subject Librarian