We use the ASPIRE reading list software to produce resource lists where references are linked directly to the library catalogue so students can immediately check if a book is available. The software allows us to create direct links to e-journals and web resources so student can get to their reading with just a couple of clicks.
See our sample reading list http://resourcelists.stir.ac.uk/lists/E8738FE2-8630-1C67-B0EE-90366B98E216.html
Send your list to reading.lists@stir.ac.uk. We’ll check the list and make sure the library has the material.
We need to know
- Module name and code
- The module coordinator
- When the module is running
- Is the module being delivered by distance learning
We do ask that you restrict your list to 100 items.
Resource lists improve the student experience:
- A list can be dynamic and link to materials in different formats, e.g., YouTube videos enhancing the learning experience
- Long lists can be off-putting to students – please use sections, topics or dates to make it easier for students to manage the lists
- Provide guidance to the students so they can understand what you expect them to do with the list and each item in the list. For example, you can specify which items are to be purchased and which items are essential or recommended.
- Provides the student with a starting point to then read more widely around the subject
- The software provides an opportunity for the student to annotate each item and write notes – useful for revision
Get your list to us by the 18th August and we’ll have it ready and available to students in Succeed by the start of semester. If you module starts earlier than the 15th Sept then give us 4 weeks to check and process your list.
If you want to find out more see http://libguides.stir.ac.uk/resourcelists or contact your subject librarian.