Personal Bibliographic Software Survey

At the Stirling campus we have had Reference Manager as the supported personal bibliographic software (PBS) package on campus since 2006.  This is a package that stores the references by other people that you as an individual have identified as being useful to your research.

As a result of a recent survey of nearly 100 researchers we feel that Reference Manager may no longer be the most suitable software for this purpose. 

For the other purpose of storing Stirling authored publications we will keep Reference Manager for the near future until the Research Information System (RIS) project and its associated publications database is complete. Further details about the RIS project will be circulated in due course.

We are running a formal pilot for each Department to decide which is their preferred package from 3 other PBS available. They are:  EndNote and EndNote Web, Refworks and Mendeley.

As part of an informal feedback process I invite all staff and students to take a look at for details of each package and documentation available.  The trial will last until the end of April.  Please vote on your top choice by 30 April 2010.

For further information please contact Lisa Haddow