Stirling theses to be digitised for Digi-Islam Project

Stirling University Library has been invited to be involved in the Digi-Islam project.  This is a JISC funded project and the first strand aims to digitise and make available one thousand UK PhD theses from the subject area of Islamic Studies.


A review was conducted using Index to Theses of the UK and Ireland database which pulled together all the recent theses on this subject from 1997 onwards.  Stirling has been asked to contribute four theses to the project.


  • Self-recruiting species (SRS) in aquaculture: their role in rural livelihoods in two areas of Bangladesh,  A. T. M. Faruk-UL-Islam, 2007


  • Gender and management: factors affecting career and advancement of women in the Federal Civil Service of Pakistan, Nasira Jabeen, 1999


  • Motivation of multinational work force in QGPC in Qatar, Hany Mahmoud El-Hifnawi, 1998


  • Culture and risk: perception and acceptability of risk of Riba in banking among teachers in Bahrain, Nabeel  Mohammed Shams, 1996            



The digitised theses will be available on the EThOS database on Open Access, just like the other e-theses on EThOS. There will be a flag labelling them as part of the Dig-Islam project and in the future they may also be accessed via a National Gateway to Islamic Studies.


In June 2007, the Government designated Islamic studies a strategically important subject, and invited HEFCE to develop a programme of work. As part of this, the JISC commissioned a report from the University of Exeter, Review of User Requirements for Digitised Resources in Islamic Studies, which made various recommendations as to how JISC could improve digital infrastructure for researchers and teachers in Islamic Studies.  This work is a result of these recommendations.  The second strand will be the digitisation of relevant catalogues and manuscripts.


Clare Allan

Library Liaison and Training