Information Services for researchers: seminar

Monday 18 May 2009, 13.30-16.30, Court Room, Stirling Campus


‘Success in research, at both national and institutional levels, depends critically on the quality of the information services to which researchers have access.’

  • To what extent are library and information services at Stirling responding to the needs of researchers?
  • What are the priorities for development?


Sally Curry, Library Collaboration Programme Manager of the Research Information Network (RIN) , will lead a seminar based on the themes and exemplars in:  Ensuring a bright future for research libraries: A guide for vice-chancellors and senior institutional managers (October 2008): [accessed 16/04/09] 


You are very welcome to attend, or nominate a colleague. It would be helpful if you would let the IS Office know, if possible by 11 May, if you are able to attend (contact

If you are based on Highland or Western Isles Campus and are interested in participation by videoconference, please let the IS Office know as soon as possible.


[‘The RIN is sponsored by the four HE funding bodies, the three national libraries, and the four research councils. Its fundamental role is to undertake evidence-based research into information and data issues that relate to professional researchers – and particularly academic researchers – and to develop policy, guidance and advocacy on that basis’. See]