The following are a selection from the suggestion cards that have recently been received at the Stirling campus library. If you have any suggestions or comments you can always email the library ( or fill in a suggestion card.
- Can you provide power points for laptops upstairs please – there is no where to plug in.
We will be providing power sockets for almost every study space in the refurbished Library because we appreciate the demand for them. But it’s simply not cost-effective to do work on this scale to a building which only has months to live.
Manager Lending & Enquiry Services
- Don’t remove documents/books etc while people are writing dissertations.
Thanks for your suggestion. You don’t say whether you have been inconvenience by the lack of resources or by noise, so I have tried to address both points.
We are, as you may already know, engaged in a significant review of the print collection in the library. This has meant that we have had to remove from stock some runs of print material. Most of these resources are available online (our preferred method for accessing journal material), so you should still be able to access the titles you require. If this is not the case, then, because you are a postgraduate, the Document Delivery Service is available to you and we will source the relevant material for you from another library.
We are being asked to carry out the work on the collections in a very short time frame of only a few months, this has, regrettably, required us to be removing and relocating stock during semester. While we have tried to minimise this (the main decant projects will take place in the vacations), library staff will be working in the collections more than would normally be the case. That said, we tend to be working in selected areas of the library and there should always be a quiet corner away from any ongoing works. We will also be publicising the main decant process in June and July of this year, so as to give you advance notice of which parts of the building to avoid.
Head of Bibliographic Services
- Increase the number of pop loans for students 3/4 yr. 6 isn’t enough when tutors expect 12 references each essay.
We will be looking again at loan allocations particularly with reference to the Interim Library Service, and will carefully consider your suggestion. The possible drawback is that if the week-loan allocation is greater, then the books you would like to borrow may already be on loan to another student.
Manager Lending & Enquiry Services