There has recently been an increase in ‘phishing’ emails sent to University email accounts. These emails simulate formal University emails and attempt to deceive you into revealing your University username and password. Some of the more recent examples include emails notifying you that your mailbox is full and inviting you to click on a link […]
Category: Uncategorized
New content added to 19th Century British Newspapers Collection
Great news for anyone researching the 19th Century -Â a million extra pages have been added to the 19th Century British Newspaper Collection, taking the total number of pages available from this resource to over 3 million. The 19th Century British Newspaper Collection can be accessed from the A-Z list of online resources, or can be […]
Network Upgrade works Wednesday 21st April
The network upgrade project has reached the stage where new network equipment has been installed in the Server rooms to replace the existing equipment which connects all of the Servers to the service users (you). We now need to swap over the server connections from the old equipment to the new and this will be […]
Want to find out more about volcanoes?
Volcanoes and Iceland are hot topics in the media at the moment. The Stirling Campus Library has a collection of items (books, DVDs and journals) about volcanoes and about Iceland. To help you find these we have created a list of library items about volcanoes and Iceland. To find quality websites about volcanoes we suggest Intute – Geography […]
New electronic book supplier
Members of the University now have access to electronic books from EBL. These books cover a broad range of subject areas including aquaculture, philosophy, IT, nursing and social work. To view the full collection of electronic books available from EBL go to the A-Z list of online resources, select EBL and click on ‘view full catalogue’. Alternatively you will find all […]
Basement library books – Stirling Campus
Throughout the week 12th – 16th April 2010 essential construction work will be taking place in the Library Basement and staff will be unable to collect books during the day. Books will continue to be collected each evening and can be picked up the following day. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Personal Bibliographic Software Survey
At the Stirling campus we have had Reference Manager as the supported personal bibliographic software (PBS) package on campus since 2006. This is a package that stores the references by other people that you as an individual have identified as being useful to your research. As a result of a recent survey of nearly 100 researchers […]
Network downtime, JANET/Internet, 11/12th April
This message applies to computer users on all campuses  The providers of our data link to JANET and the Internet have informed us that they will be performing essential maintenance on the link between 22:00 on Sunday 11th April and 7:00 am on Monday 12th April. The main link will be down between midnight […]
Network downtime, Highland Campus, 9/10th April
The provider of the data link between Highland Campus and Stirling Campus have informed us that they will be performing essential maintenance on the link between        22:00 on Friday 9th April and 7:00 am on Saturday 10th April.       The link itself will be down between midnight and 6:00 am.  There will be […]
Science now available online!
You can now read online or download the full text of articles, book reviews and reports from the journal Science. After our recent announcement about Nature (available from December 2005 to present), Nature Geoscience (available from January 2008 to present) and Apidologie (available from 2000 to present) we now have electronic access to Science (from 1997 to present).  You […]