Open User Forum

There will be an Information Services Open User Forum on Tuesday 18 May at 2.00pm, in room A5, Cottrell Building, Stirling Campus. All are welcome. IT and Library representatives in Academic and Administrative Departments and Students’ Union representatives are especially encouraged to attend.   The agenda will include Library Transformation Project, Bibliographic Software, WebCT Upgrade, […]

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Network Upgrade Project

Systems and Network Services have been working for some months on a project to upgrade the data network across the entire Stirling campus.  This project will deliver an increase in bandwidth which should improve network performance for the majority of users and will provide the network infrastructure on which the University’s new telephone system will […]

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Calling All Dissertation Students…

To help students with their dissertations this semester, a new web site has been set up. Topics covered include: finding and obtaining information for dissertation research, writing up the dissertation document and the final printing of the dissertation. The web site can be found at:        

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Online Threats Increase

Everyone knows how annoying it is to receive lots of Junk Email. Many people are aware how important it is to protect their online identity such as bank account numbers and passwords. However, few people have considered that the two issues can be related, or realise that their University computer account details are also valuable […]

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