Network Upgrade Project

Systems and Network Services have been working for some months on a project to upgrade the data network across the entire Stirling campus.  This project will deliver an increase in bandwidth which should improve network performance for the majority of
users and will provide the network infrastructure on which the University’s new telephone system will be based.  Although the work is taking place only on Stirling Campus, Highland and Western Isles users will be affected for one brief period towards the end
of this first phase of the work.
The first tranche of equipment has already been physically installed and we now need to start migrating users from the old equipment onto the new.  This will require two separate periods of network downtime the first of which will occur between Tuesday
9th March and Friday 19th March, inclusive.  The second periods of downtime will be later in the year and have not yet been scheduled.
All migration work will be done during the Network “at risk” period 0630 – 0830.  I will send further Service Messages giving notice of the specific areas that will be affected by each day’s work.  Note that small groups of users may be affected by more
than one day’s work.
Users in the affected areas are advised to power off all networked equipment (e.g. PCs, printers) on the evening before their migration and switch them back on again at 0900 after the work has been done.  Departmental “servers” will not be affected by
the work and need not be powered down.
The first work on Tuesday 9 March will affect:
Cottrell users in the general vicinity of 3BW, specifically
  • any wireless hubs in that geographic area
  • those with network sockets with numbers ending with “W”
  • rooms 3B114 and 4W6
If you did not power something down as advised and it is not working on the day of your migration a simple reboot should fix the problem.
Alan Richardson
Systems and Network Services Manager