During February 1,137 theses in our research repository, STORRE, were downloaded a total of 17,387 times. The top ten downloaded theses were: 1. Scholarly publishing in Africa: a case study of African university presses. By Darko-Ampem, Kwasi Otu. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/71 Downloads: 1,100 2. Towards A Novel Unified Framework for Developing Formal, Network and Validated Agent-Based Simulation Models […]
Author: rosie

Top ten papers from our Research Repository in February #StirTopTenPapers
During February there were 37,817 downloads from our University repository, STORRE, covering 4,096 research publications. The top ten downloaded items were: 1. A systematic review of the impact of summative assessment and tests on students’ motivation for learning. By Harlen, Wynne; Crick, Ruth Deakin; Broadfoot, Patricia; Daugherty, Richard; Gardner, John; James, Mary; Stobart, […]