Attendance tips and tricks

Attendance monitoring software is in use at the University of Stirling. This blog post will give information on what you need to do to be able to successfully mark your attendance.

  • For the optimum outcome ensure your device is connected to eduroam. You can use UoS Guest Wi-Fi but this has limitations that eduroam doesn’t have. Using your phone’s data package to check in will not verify that you are on campus unless you have switched on in app location sharing.
  • Switch on location access for the University of Stirling app on your mobile device. The location of the settings may vary depending on your device. However, you can check under Settings, then Apps. Once you find the University of Stirling app, go to the permissions section and make sure that location sharing is enabled while using the app.
  • If you are unable to do either of these then you can use the browser on your laptop and access the University app from the left-hand navigation on the portal, but please be aware that you still need to be connected to eduroam on your laptop for your attendance to be marked correctly.
  • If none of the above work, please let your lecturer know, they will then be able to mark attendance for you.

If you have any issues connecting your device to eduroam or finding location settings please visit us at the Information Centre in the library and we will help you get your devices connected and turn on location access. You can also find instructions on connecting your device to eduroam in UniDesk Self-Service.

If you are attending online classes, you can mark attendance through the app or on the browser without needing location settings activated. Time-Edit knows which classes are face-to-face and which classes are online.

Attendance monitoring plays a crucial role in helping the university to support students by identifying any attendance issues early. This allows us to take timely steps to offer support and guidance.

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