Staff Digital Skills Training for Project Management

Project Management is a complex and dynamic process that involves various challenges and obstacles. These training sessions are designed to give you “a starter for 10” insight into the Toolbox of a Project Manager. This Toolbox is a framework by which projects are consistently delivered at the University of Stirling by the Information Services Programme Management Office Team (IS PMO). These Tools have been tried and tested across the Portfolio, however, can always be improved upon. For more information, please visit the IS Programme Management Office SharePoint Site

Project Management 101

This session will introduce you to project management. It’ll explain:

  • What we mean by a “project”?
  • Why do project management & how we’re doing it at University of Stirling?
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • RACI
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 1st May1-2 pmSign up here

Project Governance Overview

This session will provide the structure and mechanisms necessary to manage projects effectively, minimise risks, and deliver value to stakeholders while aligning with organisational objectives and priorities.

  • Governance – The Project Board and project assurance
  • Financial Authorisation for Projects
  • Project Audit
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 8th May1-2 pmSign up here

Project Management: Project Online/Tasks & Resource Planning

This session will give you a brief overview of:

  • Show & Tell of MS Project Online (planning, tasks, resources & dashboard)
  • Benefits of MS Project Online
  • How to resource plan (simple method to more complex)?
  • Why we need to resource plan?
DateTimeSign up
Monday 20th May1-2 pmSign up here

Project Management: Template Documentation

This session will give you a brief overview of:

  • What templates are available within the IS PMO (including methodology and processes)?
  • How to find the templates within the IS PMO?
  • Why do we use templates?
  • Where to use the templates?
  • How to use the templates?
  • Ownership & Responsibility for Templates
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 22nd May1-2 pmSign up here

Power Platform Overview

This session will give an overview and introduction on how to use PowerBI for the IS PMO Projects and best practices on how to visualise data to support KPIs and other data needs and offer a comprehensive suite of tools that empower project managers in various ways.

DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 29th May1-2 pmSign up here

Project Management: Risks and Issues

 This session will give you a brief overview of:

  • Definition of RAID
  • What is a risk?
  • What is an Issue?
  • How do we manage assumptions?
  • What are dependencies?
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 12th June1-2 pmSign up here

Actions & Dependency (RAID)

This session will give you a brief overview of: 

  • Definition of RAID 
  • What is a risk? 
  • What is an Issue? 
  • How do we manage assumptions? 
  • What are dependencies? 
Thursday 13th June1-2 pmSign up here

Introduction to Benefits Delivered by Projects

This session will give an overview and introduction to benefits delivered by Projects:

  • Why have them?
  • Who is responsible for them?
  • Why they are important?
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 26th June1-2 pmSign up here

Project Management: Closure & Lessons Learned

This session will give you a brief overview of:

  • Why are Closure & Lessons learned important?
  • How do we close a project?
  • How do we conduct Lessons learned?
DateTimeSign up
Thursday 27th June1-2 pmSign up here

Process Mapping & Gap Analysis

This session will give you a brief overview of:

  • What business requirements are?
  • Why we need them?
  • How process maps work together with business requirements?
  • How we apply these business requirements and process mapping in our IS PMO project methodology?
DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 3rd July1-2 pmSign up here

Requirement Gathering Overview

Together with process mapping and gap analysis, requirements gathering is a critical phase in project management where the project team identifies, documents, and validates the needs and expectations of stakeholders regarding the project’s deliverables. This ensures that the final solution effectively addresses the business problem or opportunity.

DateTimeSign up
Wednesday 25th September1:00-2:300 pmSign up here

Other Digital Skills Training Workshops

Our training programme also includes Microsoft, Learning & Teaching, and Cyber Security sessions.

View our list of workshops and sign up using the following links:

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Information Centre.