Preparing Your Spring 2023 Reading List

Teaching staff are asked to create your new Spring reading list or ‘roll over’ a previous list by clicking on the ‘Reading List’ option in your Spring 2023 Canvas module. 

See guidance on the Reading Lists SharePoint site or contact the Library if you would like further help.

Once you have rolled over or created your list and are happy with your changes (even if you decide not to make any, please click the Library Review button to send it to the Library to be checked further (copyright, stock availability, digitisation etc.) and don’t forget to click Publish so that it is visible to your students. 

To ensure the Library can check and obtain material not in stock for the beginning of Semester, please click ‘Library Review’ and/or ‘Publish’ by Friday 9th December. You may create or edit lists and add material after that time but at please at least send the main texts or readings as soon as possible, especially if you think they might not be in stock.


If you have a core text and require that as an eTextbook* (e.g. from Kortext or BibliU), please use the eTextbook Request form or send the following details to me in an email by Friday 9th December. Find out more about eTextbooks at:

Please contact the Library if you have questions or would like more help.