Following the easing of COVID restrictions, the University Library has reopened at full capacity, with levels 2 and 3 open to students without the requirement to book a space. Laptops (on 4 hour loans) and PCs are available for students who wish to join an online class in the library and study zone, but those doing so are required to bring their own headphones. We will retain the screens etc around the library desks and advice to clean hands and workspaces will remain in place. The library’s popular ‘click and collect’ service will also remain for print material.
The Short Loan collection is also reopened as has the Well-Being Space on Level 2: Wellbeing space | About | University of Stirling
Level 4 remains open for silent study and provides a 1m physically distanced space, but seats must be booked in advance: The PGR Zone (for post-graduate students) and group study rooms are also available for prior booking:
We encourage students to physically distance when using the library and to regularly sanitise their hands and workspaces using wipes and hand-gels provided.
Face masks however must be worn throughout the whole library building at all times, as required by law (see: Coronavirus (COVID-19): face coverings guidance – ( Library users are permitted to bring covered hot and cold drinks, however food should not be consumed in the library.
For library opening times see our library information webpage.