Introducing our Microsoft 365 Support Community!

In response to feedback from staff, we have created a new public team to help support staff in their use of Microsoft 365. The team is called ‘Microsoft 365 Support Community’ and you are all encouraged to join it.

Join now!

The objective of the team is to provide an informal support route for staff who perhaps feel that their question is too low brow to raise a support call with the Information Centre. We also hope that the members will support each other and share their experiences and good practice.

The whole of the Information Centre team are currently members and will help out with any questions.

We’d really love it if our Champions and more IS staff could be involved in this team – both as users and also as supporters.


Coming soon – Mastering Microsoft

Join Information Services for our month-long Microsoft 365 skills event during May 2021. Signup for one of our training sessions or find out more about Mastering Microsoft now!
