Due to the current situation, we are unable to have our regular face to face Yarnfulness session, so we thought that we would take Yarnfulness online.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to provide much practical help or be able to supply any yarn or needles/hooks. but if you already know how to knit or crochet, or just want to join for a chat you would be very welcome.
If you want to join us you could buy your own materials online.
Crochet hooks – size 4mm (You can use any other size you may have handy)
Knitting needles – size 4mm (You can use any other size you may have handy)
Yarn/wool – double knitting or Arran wool.
Hand needle/darning needle – to sew up any of your projects
small scissors
Hobbycraft – they have a specialist knitting and crochet section.
Amazon – They have a wide variety of knitting/crochet supplies.
Ebay – They have a wide variety of knitting/crochet supplies.
We have created a knowledge item with more information in UniDesk Self Service Portal. The knowledgebase item has links to some videos to get you started and also has some patterns.
If you want to join in with our session on Wednesday 8 April from 12:30 – 1:30 please follow the link below (This link should work for the next few weeks.)