There is a problem exporting to RefWorks from databases supplied by EBSCO and Ovid. RefWorks are aware of this issue and are working to fix it.
Databases affected include: Business Source, Cinahl, Historical Abstracts, Medline, Philosophers Index, Psycarticles, Psycinfo and SPORTDiscus.
An alternative method in the meantime is to export a RIS file and separately import it to RefWorks as follows:
To import the exported references into legacy RefWorks:
• Select the reference tab on the main page, then select import.
• At this point you will see a drop down menu labeled Import Filter/Data Source, scroll down to RIS Format.
• In the drop down menu labeled Database select RIS Format.
• You can also select the folder you wish to have the references imported to.
• Then browse for the .txt file the data is stored in and select import.
• You should be able to view your references in either last imported or in the folder you selected.
To import the exported references into (new) RefWorks:
• Select the + sign and then select Import references.
• Under the heading “Import from a file” drag and drop or select the file generated by the export.
• The system will try to determine the format; if it does not identify the RIS Format select it from the drop down and click import.
• The data will show up in the last imported area.