Exam Time in the Library

Opening hours, finding a study space and support from the Library during exams.

Here’s everything you need to know about using the Library during exams.

24-hour opening

We’re opening the Library around the clock from Monday 18 November. When the doors open on Monday morning at 8am, the Library will remain open for the full duration of the exam period, closing at 5pm on Friday 13 December.

Somewhere to study

Level 3 will become a silent study zone along with Level 4 to create as much additional silent study space as possible. There is plenty of noisy study on Level 2 of the Library and Group Study Rooms (which are bookable by students). Bookings are made through your Student Email.

How to book a Library Group Study Room

Check the live information on PC availability to see where the computers are free:

Open access PCs (Library, PF Mezzanine)
Teaching Labs

Study space elsewhere

Empty space = study space

Students can use any teaching room, which is not in use, for quiet private study. If you would like a room for group study, this can be booked via Resource Booker.

Looking out for yourself

We know that life at University can be stressful especially during exam time, so we aim to provide you with opportunities to make relaxation part of your time spent in the Library. Working constantly without breaks isn’t good for your productively; when you are tired and stressed, you can’t take information in or do your best work. So relax and be productive!

We’ve created a dedicated space on the first floor where you can take a break away from your revision in order to recharge and refresh. The Library Wellbeing Space is equipped for mindfulness, quietly relaxing, or browsing the many wellbeing resources. Within the space, you’ll find comfy seating, cushions, blankets and an assortment of materials designed to enhance your sense of wellbeing. Most importantly, relax and enjoy the views of our beautiful campus.

Take a break and enjoy our library jigsaw (on the left as you enter the Library) or participate in our book swap (in the wellbeing space).

If you are sitting in the Library for long periods of time, grab a blanket from the first floor (near the Library entrance) to keep yourself comfortable and cosy especially late in the evening.

There are water fountains in the Library along with vending machines on the first floor (on the left as you enter the Library) so you can keep yourself hydrated.

Looking out for each other

The Library gets busy during exam periods and everyone’s a bit stressed. The three top things that we think will help are:

  • be silent in silent areas and only use the group study rooms or the first floor to have conversations.
  • clear up any rubbish you create into the recycling bins before you leave
  • don’t hog desks by leaving your belongings behind

If you are being bothered by noise, please email the Information Centre on information.centre@stir.ac.uk, giving us your location and we’ll send someone up. After 8pm please ask for help at Reception.

We wish all of our students the best of luck with their exams.