Students urged to be on guard with new online scam

Police Scotland is urging all students to be aware of an ongoing scam. It involves scammers calling students, particularly international, claiming to be from their home country’s authorities. During the call, students are told that they are subject to a criminal investigation and a demand for money is made. The scammer claims that failure to pay, via a website, will result in an international arrest warrant being raised.

Police Scotland have said: “Our advice to the public is to never provide unsolicited callers or emailers with any of your personal information and under no circumstances agree to transfer them any money. If you are approached in this manner, or if you have any doubts about the authenticity of a person, then contact police immediately.”

A range of useful crime prevention advice is available on the Police Scotland website. In addition, please see our cybersecurity posts on Twitter #StirCyberSec which include information on vishing and smishing.