EBSCO databases – working again. Stirgate, Business Source, PsycINFO, etc.

Update to posts below: all our EBSCO databases are working normally. We apologise for the access problems that were happening last week. We’re pleased to say they’re working normally again.

Update to post below:  Although, I’ve not seen any official confirmation of a fix for the EBSCO database access problems – both yesterday and today I could get access and run searches in the databases. So you may be able to get some access.  I’ll post again when there is any official update.


It is currently not possible to access the EBSCO databases, including: Stirgate, ATLA Religion; Business Source premier; CINAHL (nursing and allied health): EconLIt; Health Source; International Political Science Abstracts; PsycInfo; SportDiscus and British Education Index.


This is a UK wide problem. EBSCO and The UK Access Management Federation are working on a solution to the problems.


We’ll post again as soon as we hear any news.


We apologise for the inconvenience and problems this loss of access will cause.



Clare Allan

Subject Librarian