Wireless Project reaches Library – Week beginning 21st July 2014

**Work is now complete in the Library building and the normal wifi service is still in service until the launch of the new access mechanism which will replace CampusNet**


Work to install the new WiFi network reaches the Stirling campus library this week and engineers will be working across all floors of the library during the week beginning 21st July.


Work will be taking place between 5pm and 8pm on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th July. While works are underway there may be some disruption and noise while the technicians are installing the new wireless access points.  Small areas of the Library may be closed or you may be asked to move seats if technicians need to gain access to the area you’re working in.


The schedule of works* is roughly as follows:

Tuesday 22nd July 5-8: Levels 1 (staff area) and Level 2 (entry level)
Wed 23rd July 5-8: Level 3
Thursday 24th July: Level 4

*subject to change


Additional study spaces are available in the Study Zone.


Colin Sinclair

Library Content Manager