New reading lists for Spring 2014

Within the Aspire reading list software, references link to the book or journal details in the library catalogue, so students can immediately check availability, place holds, etc.  References to our electronic journal articles can link directly to the article.  Lists can include references to paper materials, as well as links to web sites and other electronic resources.  See our Sample Resource List.


Please note that in 2011 QEC agreed a limit of 100 items on any new reading lists. This was to enable the Library to be able create more lists and enhance the student experience for a greater number of students.


Send us your reading list – we do the rest


All you need to do is attach your reading list as a WORD document in an email to: Reading Lists ( The reading list should not exceed 100 items.


Include the following details:

  • Module (or programme) code
  • Title for the module
  • Course coordinator
  • Semester (or other dates) the course is running – please provide start dates.  If you do not provide start dates we will assume the start of the standard Spring semester, Monday 10 February, 2014
  • Estimate of student numbers
  • Whether the course is a distance learning course
  • Whether you consider the item to be purchased, essential or recommended reading
  • Please mark on the list whether you would like referenced texts made available in digital format – we will investigate the digitisation options/costs and get back to you with details



Please send your new list by 20 January 2014.   This is because we do a lot of checking in order to ensure the list is accurate, e.g., we check whether there are enough copies in stock, whether we have the required edition in stock, and order any new materials as this can take several weeks.  Reading lists arriving after this deadline will be dealt with on a best endeavours basis.  For any non-standard modules starting later in the semester please allow at least 4 weeks for the list to be created.



We’ve had very positive feedback from students about reading lists, and reading lists are also an important source of information for the Library, helping us ensure that we hold key student texts and enhance the students’ learning experience. In the recent IS Satisfaction Survey over 86% of students were satisfied or very satisfied with the service. “Every module should use Aspire” and “Make all professors use them”


Lisa Haddow

LLD Team Manager
