WebCT Downtime – A reminder



As previously noted, WebCT will not be available from 6pm
– 10pm on Saturday 4th September to install a number of
service packs. TurnitinUK is also being upgraded on the same day and also will
not be available between 6pm Saturday 4th and 2am Sunday 5th.


Service packs do not introduce new features but rather are
bugs fixes and installing these service packs will also improve WebCT’s
browser support.


The Turnitin upgrade introduces new features for feedback,
online marking and peer review.

When the upgrades are complete an announcement will be
posted in WebCT as during the upgrading process the system is restarted a
number of times and then stopped again. Please watch out for the announcement
before starting any work.


Simon Booth
Manager eLD
Information Services




The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010

The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.