Network Upgrade works Wednesday 21st April

The network upgrade project has reached the stage where new network equipment has been installed in the Server rooms to replace the existing equipment which connects all of the Servers to the service users (you). We now need to swap over the server connections
from the old equipment to the new and this will be done on Wednesday 21st April between 06:30 and 08:30.


During this switchover period every IT service which runs on an IS supported server will be interrupted for a short time – no more than 5-10 minutes for each service. Affected Services include (but not limited to):


  • All admin applications (HR, Student Records, Library services, Finance, Accommodation, etc)
  • Staff and Student email
  • Staff and Student filestore
  • Portal
  • WebCT
  • Stirling Connect
  • CampusNet (Residences, Wireless, and Public Access networks)
  • Access to the Internet from all three campuses
  • Visibility of University web sites to the public


If you find a service not working during the two hour period indicated above simply try again after ten minutes and it should have resumed. If you become aware of any issues which are unresolved after 30 minutes, or services not working by 09:00, please
first try rebooting your PC, and only if that does not work inform the Information Centre (x7250,


Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this essential work.

Alan Richardson
Systems and Network Services Manager